Tuesday, April 24, 2007

George Michael 25Live

November 1st, 2006 I flew back to my home country (the Netherlands) and finally saw George Michael live!

I must say that it was one of the most exciting moments of my life. He is a true performer, and it is good to see him out there again after being absent for so long. I never thought he'd start touring again, but there I was standing in Ahoy's (Rotterdam) concert hall. I sang my heart out with him and so did everyone else!

I especially liked his performance of "My Mother Had A Brother", it was truly breathtaking! Unfortunately I was unable to take any pictures or film anything but you know me I won't leave you hanging without a nice clip from his concert, enjoy!

By the way, luckily for all his fans he has decided to extend his tour, check out all available dates on George Michael's site.

If you have any questions about his performance please feel free to contact me!

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