Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Shocker, Another Lie From The Liar

 This is going to hurt.....

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President Obama’s health care law will cost state taxpayers at least $118.04 billion through 2023, about twice the Congressional Budget Office estimate of $60 billion through 2021, Republican members of Congress said today. …
“Governors of both political parties were clear when Congress was debating the $2.6 trillion health law that they could not afford a massive expansion in Medicaid. Washington didn’t listen and plowed forward instead by putting 16 million Americans onto the Medicaid rolls to keep the federal price tag down,” said Hatch. “With this report, we see the true cost to states, who are already facing a collective $175 billion budget shortfall, of this unsustainable expansion."
Some of us knew, some drank the kool-aid......

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