Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pelosi Attacks Gop Budget Plan (Update)

Will someone throw some holy water, or  drop a house on this witch?

Following a long-honored tradition, Republicans are masking the true impact of just what the GOP FY 2012 budget will do.  Chairman Paul Ryan and House Republicans may claim their budget leads us down a “Path to Prosperity,” but the rhetoric doesn’t match up with the reality.  Here are the facts on just what the GOP budget means for our country:   
·         Path to eliminating guaranteed benefits for seniors under Medicare
·         Path to subsidies to oil companies and giveaways to special interests
·         Path to tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and companies that ship jobs overseas
·         Path to cuts in kids’ education
The same old tired, worn out drivel for the last 50 years.
Tax breaks for the rich, cut education, scare the seniors......
Time honored tradition indeed Nancy!

RCP has a video(listen if you can't stand to look) of astounding stupidity....

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